The Top Five Most Challenging Achievements on High On Life

In High On Life, players are thrust into a bizarre and colorful world where humor, action, and absurdity collide. As you embark on a unique adventure with talking weapons and strange alien creatures, the game also offers a range of challenging achievements that test your skills and patience. Whether you’re exploring every nook and cranny of this vibrant universe or battling bizarre enemies, the game provides a variety of obstacles that demand more than just basic gameplay. In this article, we will dive into the top five most challenging achievements in High On Life, highlighting the feats that require dedication, precision, and a bit of creative thinking to conquer.

Playing Card to Get: 2% of gamers have obtained

The Playing Card to Get achievement in High On Life is a challenging task that requires players to collect all 27 playing cards found throughout the game. Theseed in various places like pawn shops and Luglox Chests, hidden across different environments, including the Slum cards are locats and Deep Jungle. While players who have collected the cards in a previous playthrough can simply load their save to unlock the achievement, newcomers will need to thoroughly explore the game world to find all the cards. This achievement tests players’ patience and attention to detail.

Seeing All the Sights: 1.4% of gamers have obtained

The Seeing All The Sights achievement in High On Life is the forth hardest to unlock. Players must purchase all six warp discs from Blorto in Blim City and then complete tasks in locations like Cutie Town, Movie Theatre, and Skate Park. These tasks include stomping on buildings, sol fourth hardest ving puzzles, and performing tricks. All tasks must be fully completed for the achievement to count. Additionally, the achievement can be buggy, so using achievement tracking is recommended, and players may need to repeat tasks if they don’t register properly. This combination of steps and potential tracking issues makes it a challenging achievement that requires patience and precision.

A Starfish is Born: 1.7% of gamers have obtained

The A Starfish is Born achievement in High On Life is the third hardest to unlock due to its time-sensitive requirements. Players must time the gifting of a Drum to Globo precisely; doing it too early prevents his progression, while doing it too late means missing the opportunity to see him on TV and losing the achievement. This involves completing specific bounties at the right moments and checking in with Globo, making perfect timing essential. If players miss the window, they have to restart the game, adding to the challenge.

Luglox Genocide: 0.7% of gamers have obtained

The Luglox Genocide achievement in High On Life is considered the second toughest to unlock due to the need to collect 222 marked and five unmarked Luglox crates throughout the game. Players must backtrack after finishing the main story, as some crates arecult-to-reach spots or require special warp discs. Additionally, a glitch in Dreg Town may cause some crates notng players to restart or wait fo hidden in diffir a patch. This combination of extensive crate hunting and technical issues makes the achievemen to count, forcit very challenging and time-consuming.

Mods Please Ban: 0.2% of gamers have obtained

The Mods Please Ban achievement is the hardest to unlock in High On Life due to its complexity and numerous tasks. Players must complete various challenges fromer Forum, including killing specific enemies, exploring all locations, buying items from vendors, and finding clues about Dr. Grugula. Objectives require precis the Bounty Hunte actions, extensive exploration, and the purchase of every vendor item. Some forum posts only appear after reaching certain in-game milestones, and challenges may involve backtracking or grinding. This achievement demands significant time, effort, and attention to detail, making it the most challenging in the game.